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Pastor Kenneth Davis

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With compassion and the fire of God, Pastor Kenneth has been called for such a time as this; to reach lives through the teaching of the truth of the Word of God. He has been called to preach the uncompromising Word of God, equipping and training the body of Christ to effectively advance the Kingdom of God. Kenneth has been involved in many missions to India, Haiti, and Germany to help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

About Us

1. The Bible is the inspired Word of God, the infallible rule of faith. It is the final authority. 2Timothy 3:15-16, 1Peter 2:2

2. Jesus is Lord and the only way into Heaven! Every man, in order to be saved and delivered from sin,

must declare with his mouth and believe with his heart that Jesus is Lord! Romans 10:9-11, John 14:6

3. Healing is the children's bread. We believe there is deliverance from sickness and disease. It is provided for us in that Jesus took the stripes upon His body in order to set us free from infirmities. We believe that calling upon the elders and the laying on of hands and through prayer and faith we are made whole in the Name of Jesus Matthew 15:22-28, Isaiah 53:4-5, 1Peter 2:24, James 5:14

4. In the Name of Jesus, demons are driven out! We believe that demons are real and need to be dealt with! Only by the power and Name of Jesus will every knee bow and be cast out of individuals. Mark 16:17, Romans 14:11, Philippians 2:10,11

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